Advantages of rapid tooling and small batch prototyping

What is on-demand rapid tooling and low-volume prototyping?


Designing an object, from initial prototypes to mass production, requires molding. For example, the lighting of the car, the shell of the earphone, etc. This process entails filling containers with molten material to produce large quantities of items.

Multiple copies from prototyping have much to do with later mass production. With the help of digital manufacturing technologies such as CNC machining and 3D printing, prototype molds can be created in a short time, a process known as rapid machining.

Rapid tooling molds are not usually used for mass production of objects, but they can still be made in multiple copies of the mold. But what is exciting is that small batch molding is carried out together with rapid tooling. Through small batch molding, a small number of molded products are produced, which can quickly provide customers with a batch of prototype products.

The advantages of rapid prototyping and low-volume prototyping are many. Below is an overview of some of the key advantages of these two related processes.


Advantages of rapid tooling and small batch prototyping


1. Shorter delivery times and lower costs

One of the biggest advantages of rapid processing and low-volume prototyping is what it’s called: speed. Digital manufacturing technologies such as 3D printing technology and CNC machining can model and start production in a short time, shortening lead times. Therefore, rapid mold service providers can quickly solve the troubles caused by mold manufacturing for you. For enterprises, rapid research and development can give priority to market promotion.


2. Complex design

Digital modeling can quickly scan complex drawings to generate a database and start modeling. His advantage lies in overcoming the difficulties of traditional manufacturing from multi-dimensional perspectives. 3D printing and CNC machining digitalization can solve unique external structures and complex internal structures for designers.


3. small batch manufacturing

Before product development, it is necessary to go through countless experiments and summaries. Rapid tooling service providers manufacture prototypes for each design. Different designs are manufactured once, and multiple copies can be created to produce several to hundreds of small batches.


Rapid machining and low-volume prototyping on demand with Hemtom


With more than two decades of experience in the rapid prototyping industry, China’s Hemtom is an expert in rapid tooling and small batch prototyping, with the technology and equipment to take full advantage of the process.

The rapid tooling capability exceeds that of most peers, and customers can order prototypes when needed without waiting for long lead times. Best of all, customers around the world can receive prototype molded parts in as little as 15 days.

Meet Hemtom AT Mobile World Congress Barcelona 2025

Booth: 7D11, Hall 7, Fira Gran Via

Address: Av. Joan Carles I, 64, 08908 L’Hospitalet de Llobregat Barcelona, Spain

Time: March 3-6, 2025

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